Youtube-Forza Community

I’m not in that many communities right now, also they’re pretty boring to write about. So I’m going to write about a community that I want to be in. I would want to be a part of the Youtube-Forza community. I love to watch Youtube because there’s such a variety of creators.

Some of the biggest creators are The slap train, Tc9700 gaming, Blackpanthaa, and Ar12 Gaming. They upload videos daily about racing games mostly about Forza 3 just because it’s the newest Forza game out. But sometimes on Sunday they go back to older games. Also, they are all friends so they make videos together. The only thing that drives me away is the drama that has been happening lately in the community but I’ll get to that later.

Now in 2016 technology is the biggest thing out so people appreciate it. In this age people make big checks every month from Youtube, For example, there is a YouTuber named Fousey Tube. He has about 9 million subscribers and he pulls in about 75 thousand a month, Youtube earnings are ridiculous! For example, the Slaptrain makes from 3,000 to 40,000 dollars a month. Tc9700 makes anywhere from 1,000 to 15,000 a month “BlackPanthaa” makes anywhere from 1,000 to 19,000. Finally, Ar12 makes about 2,000 to 28,000. So we can see that this is a big community and one that makes money.

So now that we know about the community it’s time for the drama. All of the YouTubers do this for the enjoyment of their viewers and to make people laugh except for AR12. AR stands for achievements rock but it should stand for advancements rock. Sadly, it’s AR for short he only does this for money. He runs over all his friends for money he also takes other people’s content just for views. Recently Slap’s channel blew up, it went from 300,000 subscribers to 1,200,000. Before that happened Slap had a series talking about Forza 5 but AR took the same exact thumbnail and title and just swiped his work. He has done this to many creators. Which is the only reason I’m skeptical about joining this community, but it’s amazing and I want to eventually be a part of this.

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