What are the best ways to play your favorite computer games?

I don’t know about anyone else but I like to do things as easy as possible. Doing things efficiently are easier than going the hard way. I’m a huge nerd and I assume that is a good thing because I love gaming. Most games now are made for special gear and sadly, that gear is mostly sold separately. Whether it’s a special headset, Virtual reality, or a special receiver. The main gear I want to talk about is MadCatz computer mice.

First up we have the new mice from Mad Catz. Back a few years ago I used to love to play Minecraft on my computer. The problem was my mouse wasn’t good enough because it wasn’t programmable. I think it was a mini mouse running on Logitech software; it just wasn’t good enough because of input lag. Basically input lag is how long it takes from the click of the mouse to transmit to the game and it was terrible, it was about 1.5-second input lag.
So I was on the search for a faster mouse and wasn’t getting any results until I got my birthday present. My uncle had bought me a super belated birthday present. It was a case for my hand-held game system made by a brand called Madcatz. So I thought to myself hmm… I’ve never heard of this. So I looked it up in a google search and boom there it was. I stumbled upon exactly what I had needed. So after that, I researched the perfect mouse and I found it. It was called the Rat 7 Tournament edition it had a 12,000 dpi sensor so it only had .1 input lag. To me, it was the holy grail because it had 13 programmable buttons so that I could do whatever I wanted with it.
This story has a sad ending, with the upgraded mouse I needed a computer that could keep up so, I got one but, the mouse plug keeps popping out. So I’m in the market for a new mouse and I found the perfect one for me. It is the Rat 8; it is also wired and has interchangeable parts. But it has color changing lights with over 12 million available colors also it has weights to really optimize your gaming experience. I would definitely recommend this to a friend because its a really nice quality product with great build quality also.


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